Water & Sewer bills are sent out monthly. You are billed by gallons of water used. Non-payment will result in the disconnection of service.
Water & Sewer bills are sent out the first week of every month. Payment is due by the 23rd of each month.
You are billed per 1000 gallons of water use.
For example, if your water usage for the month is 1500 gallons, you will be billed for 1000 gallons. The 500 gallons will carry over to the next month’s bill. If you use 1500 gallons the next month, you are billed for the prior month’s carry over of 500 gallons plus the current usage of 1500 which is a total of 2000 gallons.
- If you fail to pay your water/sewer bill by the due date, or fail to contact us within the 10 days allowed to make reasonable deferred payment arrangement, we will proceed with disconnection action.
- To restore your service, full payment of the amount in arrears, plus a reconnection fee, is required.
- Reconnection fees:
- Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 3:30 pm $30.00
- After hours (3:30 pm – 8:00 AM), Saturday, and Sunday $45.00
- If you have entered into a Deferred Payment Agreement with us and have failed to make the deferred payments you agreed to, your service will be subject to disconnection unless you pay the entire amount due within 10 days.
- If you have a reason for delaying the payment, call and explain the situation.
- Illness Provision: If there is an existing medical emergency in your home and you furnish the water utility with a statement signed by either a licensed Wisconsin physician or a public health official, we will delay disconnection of service up to 21 days. The statement must identify the medical emergency and specify the period of time during which disconnection will aggravate the existing emergency.
- Deferred Payment Agreements: If you are a residential customer and you are unable to pay the full amount of the water utility service arrears on your bill, you may contact the water utility to discuss arrangements to pay the arrears over an extended period of time.
- This payment agreement will require:
- Payment of a reasonable amount at the time the agreement is made
- Payment of the remainder of the outstanding balance in monthly installments over a reasonable length of time.
- Payment of all future water utility service bills in full by the due date.
Checks returned for Non-Sufficient Funds – The Village charges a $25.00 NSF fee. All future payments to the Village will need to be a money order, cashier’s check, or cash.
75% of the costs of producing municipal water are electricity costs on capturing, treating, distributing, & using water.
It takes five to ten times more water to produce a pound of meat than a pound of wheat.