An election will be held in the Village of Hawkins on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
The following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed:
Village President: Incumbent: Jill Baker
Village Trustee: Incumbent: Christa Luebke
The term for village trustee begins on April 15, 2025. All terms are for two years unless otherwise indicated.
Caucus date will be determined at the December 2, 2024 Board Meeting. Residents interested in running for President and/or Trustee should contact the Village Clerk for information on the procedures for nomination.
Any person who is a United States citizen, 18 years of age or older, who has resided within the municipality for at least 10 days before the caucus is a qualified elector. The voter list from a previous election may be used as an aid in determining if a person qualified as an elector in the municipality at the last election. Any person whose name does not appear on the voter list may be asked to provide some form of identification that lists the person’s name, current address, and if necessary, date of birth.
When to Hold the Caucus
Between December 1 and January 1 preceding a spring election, the governing body of a town or village using the caucus system for nominating candidates must decide the date on which the caucus will be held. The caucus must be held no sooner than the first Tuesday and no later than the last Tuesday in January. If possible, preference should be given to the last Tuesday in January. S. 8.05 (1)(a), Wis. Stats. NOTE: The caucus is not required to be held on a Tuesday.
Procedures for Nomination
Nominations are made separately for each office that will appear on the Spring Election ballot. This can be done in one of two ways: by taking nominations from the floor or by conducting a vote by secret ballot. When nominations are taken from the floor, each nomination must receive a second. After each nomination is made and seconded, the caucus chairperson must ask, “Are there any more nominations?” and hearing none, must announce, “nominations are closed.” S. 8.05 (1)(d), Wis. Stats.
If nominations are made by conducting a secret ballot, the tellers will distribute a piece of paper to each elector, which will serve as a ballot. The electors will be instructed to write in the name of his or her nominee for the office. The ballots will then be collected and tallied by the tellers. Whichever method is used for making nominations, the names of the persons nominated will be announced by the caucus chairperson. A flip chart or chalkboard may be used to record the names of the nominees. Only those persons nominated will be voted on at the caucus, if voting is necessary.
For those offices where only one person is to be elected, and only one or two candidates are nominated, there is no need to conduct a vote. If more than two persons have been nominated, a vote must be conducted at the caucus to reduce the number of candidates to two. If a vote is required, the caucus chairperson will announce the names of all candidates. Each elector at the caucus is entitled to vote for one candidate. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes are nominated and certified to the municipal clerk by the caucus chairperson and tellers. S. 8.05 (1)(f), (g), (h), Wis. Stats.
Nominations for the offices of town supervisors elected to unnumbered seats, or nominations for the offices of village trustee should be considered together. If more than twice the number of candidates to be elected is nominated, a vote must be conducted to reduce the number of candidates to twice the number of seats to be filled. Each elector at the caucus is entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are seats to be filled at the election.
For example, if 3 village trustees are to be elected, each person can vote for 3 candidates. The 6 candidates who receive the most votes at the caucus will be nominated and certified to the municipal clerk by the caucus chairperson and tellers.